Sunday, May 23, 2010

May Meeting of the H3Ohs

The monthly meeting of the H3Ohs was hosted by Lara Robertson at Barnett's Pub. Members brought new books to donate to Mission Waco Children's Program.

Thank you, Lara, for hosting this month. We had a fun and memorable time while giving back to the community!

Members: Did you miss the May meeting? Coming soon....meeting minutes from Secretary Coats! Also, don't worry, there will be a training session in June to learn our new sign. As you can tell from the photos, we all need more practice!


  1. Pooky should totally consider a career in porn posing if Aerocare has layoffs! Mark is a lucky man!!

  2. Good job ladies, please stop using date night as your meeting, but I am proud of your good deeds...J.Dub
